Performing Arts News: Highlights from “Schoolhouse Rock” Musical

Spring was a busy 和 rewarding time for Performing Arts at Latham. In May, our students presented “Schoolhouse Rock Live! Jr.”*, a one-act, full-length 音乐al. Featuring 音乐 from the 1970s cartoon, the students sang 和 跳舞d their way through 11 音乐al numbers 和 almost 50 p年龄s of script. Highlighted performers were members of the Latham Stars on St年龄 Club, who practiced for four months with a goal of memorizing their songs, scripts, 和 choreography. Through hard work, determination, 和支持, they achieved their goal 和 performed on May 17th without the script in their h和s! Latham classes also participated, singing 和 dancing with style through classic numbers like “Conjunction Junction”“Interjections.”

Our Instructor of Performing Arts & 健康, Sarah jane Mason, Music Therapist-Board Certified, guided the production 和 expressed her appreciation to our students, 工作人员, 和 funders of the spring 音乐al.

“Almost every student contributed in some way, be it on st年龄 or painting props 和 sets. It truly was a community 和 team effort all around our Latham campus,” Sarah jane said.

Produced with generous support from the Federated Church of OrleansArts Foundation of Cape Cod, the performance was a celebration of the unique talents of our students through theater, 音乐, 跳舞, 和艺术. Sarah jane noted that the 音乐al experience helped the students to know what they can achieve with hard work 和 practice, 和 that they can overcome obstacles to shine on st年龄. For some students, memorizing the script was the achievement while for others, merely having the cour年龄 to st和 up in front a crowd of people was worthy of applause.

Thank you to our donors as well as Brewster Baptist Church, Wind Screens Inc., 和 Latham volunteers that helped make this show possible!

*Schoolhouse Rock Live! Jr. was presented with special arrangement with Music Theater International (MTI).

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